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新东方托福网络课程免费试听 整理“2016年4月9日托福口语小范围预测”,更多关于托福考试预测试题。 2016年4月9日托福口语小范围预测 口语第一题: NO.1 说说你写paper,试验阿什么的带来的好处(好像是这个题目,可以说很多事例,因为是第一个题,随意性大) NO.2 在医院做volunteer,是喜欢和病人聊天,读书给病人听,照顾病人亲属 NO.3 Who should be paid more: a nurse, a teacher, or an officer? NO.4 描述你觉得最重要的物品(Describe an object that is the most important to you),并说明如何得到的和为什么重要。 NO.5 Describe a day you enjoy most or most special for you NO.6 Describe a tool or an object that you rely on often in your daily life. Explain why it is important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. NO.7 Your friend is considering getting a new pet. What kind of animal would you suggest and what advice will you give him? NO.8 The university acts as a venue for three kinds of student activities: - Concerts performed by students - Drama acted out by theater students - Lectures given by a well-known professor Which one do you prefer? Use details and examples to explain. NO.9 在这一百年之内有很多发明,说一个你觉得对你生活改变最大的. NO.10 在学校里喜欢什么活动What activities do you like to do at school? NO.11 TASK1 上过的两个学校,解释两个学校的区别。 NO.12 Describe why organizing time is challenging for university students and why it is important? NO.13 Talk about an important decision that you have made. Explain in detail why this decision was important to you. NO.14 Which one of the following would you like to do on the weekend: stay with your family, go to the gym, or watch TV? NO.15 If your friend is dropping out of the college, would you consider it a good thing? NO.16 Which of the following Art classes would you be more interested in taking? Wood Sculpture, Painting or Photography? 三选一,可以学一样art,选哪样? wood sculpture; painting; 摄影; NO.17 你有个哥们要面试了,他问你要ADVICE啊,你觉得他怎么样才能成功哇? NO.18 你认为哪个时期是最困难的:童年时期,青少年时期,成年时期?Which period do you think is most difficult: childhood, teenager or adulthood? 口语第二题: NO.1 Some people prefer to live in old buildings. Others prefer to live in new and modern buildings. Which do you prefer? Explain why. NO.2 你比较喜欢job with communication ,还是不喜欢个人打交道的工作 NO.3 People often will watch movies or television shows with their families and friends. Some prefer to remain quiet until the end of the movies or shows, while others prefer to discuss with family members and friends while watching. Which do you prefer? Use details and examples to explain. NO.4 有的大学强制上外语课,有的强制上计算机课。你认为哪个更重要? NO.5 Some universities expect students to choose their major when they enter university. Others let students wait until the second or third year. Which do you think is better and why? NO.6 Some people prefer to solve a challenge all by themselves. Others prefer to depend on other people's help. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation. NO.7 Do you agree or disagree: it is more enjoyable to read fictional literature than those of non-fiction. NO.8 有些人觉得在大学的学习是很重要的,有的人觉得它并不怎么重要,你的观点? NO.9 Do you like to study alone or with others? NO.10 Do you agree or disagree with the statement that it’s important for students to study Art and Music in school. Explain your answer in details. NO.11 Do you agree or disagree that children should learn to draw or paint NO.12 Do you agree or disagree that assignments handed in after the deadline should receive a lower score? NO.13 选择participate in activities alone or with a team or group. NO.14 你同意富人应当帮助穷人这种观点吗?Do you agree that wealthy people should be required to help poor people? NO.15 Some people think students should study in classroom. While others believe that they should visit museum and zoo to study. Which one do you like? NO.16 你同意参与课堂讨论能使学生学到更多这个观点吗? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Participating in class discussions makes students learn more. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. NO.17 Some students prefer to go to universities or colleges in their hometown. Others prefer to go to universities or colleges in new cities or towns. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation. NO.18 Do you think that people will read fewer books in the future than they do today? Give details and examples to support your response. Begin your response after the beep. 口语第三题: NO.1 说2种survey estimation survey(好像是这个词)就是估算了,举例:公司调查停车位,只要大概了解多少员工就可 B.精确survey(原词忘记了),举例:学校调查有多少老师教science,就需要精确数字 NO.2 The letter proposes the school should open classes outside the classroom because good scenery will make the students focus and avoid boredom and the school has installed some benches and seats outside. The student disagrees with the proposal. First, there are too many distractions outside. Students will be distracted when friends are passing through. Second, there aren’t enough seats available, it’s inconvenient for students to take notes if they have to stand there. NO.3 阅读:停止爵士合唱团,因为感兴趣的人少,没有必要继续了 听力:女人觉得真不好。 理由一:主要是因为平时训得太勤了,导致很多学生不来了 理由二:没有其他选择了,很多是经典,但不是爵士,女人不喜欢,其他学生也不喜欢。 NO.4 学校报社计划推出一个pro-peering?project,即,在学生提交Paper前,报社人员帮助同学修改,有利于balabala 女生觉得 不好, 1)报社人员也是学生,不一定给出什么好建议。 2)即使好建议, 也不利于学生的长远发展, 还是培养独立意识比较好。 NO.5 阅读:【公开信】:小报上刊登了来自一个学生的公开信. 倡议大学应该to build an electronic board (电子告示板)at student center. 好处: 1. make student get information about coming up events easily rather than acquiring news at different places on campus by posters. (之前使用贴在校园各处的海报不一定能让所有人看见,而这个电子告示板在固定的位置,学校的人来来往往能看见,信息覆盖面很大) 2. 学校也会更整洁,因为墙上没海报了 听力:【学生议论】:男学生觉得这主意interesting, 女生反对这个计划. 理由: It is better to get news from different locations on campus because 1. they are everywhere (more than one place). If they do not go to student center, they will miss the notice. 举了她在图书馆看到海报,所以didn't miss a show / concert的例子. 电子告示板不一定能够像预想的那样,让那么多人获取信息,因为很多人不愿意花时间特意经过电子告示板来看有什么新的消息。举例:她自己上周五去了图书馆看到海报,所以didn‘t miss a show / concert,如果没有去过就看不到了,所以一个信息不能只在一个地方发布。 2. Even though the new bulletin board was estabilished, students will still do posters because of it is convenient (没有人会提交information, 然后再等它post出来) question:explain the woman’s opinion towards the suggestion and why she holds that opinion. NO.6 阅读:是说学校决定把每个班级的人数从8人增加到15人。原因是有更多的学生apply这些课程,但是学校的faculty有限。 听力;男同学的意见:1、增加人数减少了communication with faculty,降低了小课堂的参与程度 2、既然有更多的学生,就可以获得更多的钱,就可以请更多的faculty解决了人力不足的问题。简言之就是 more students, more money, more faculty 问题是:学校作出了怎样的决定,男同学的意见是什么? NO.7 大学要建艺术教学楼,女生同意,因为新楼宽敞明亮,有助于创作;对教授的声誉又有好处,因为校外一楼的修建,导致人们纷纷去那个楼去学艺术。 NO.8 Reading: Only qualified students have the right to work at the computer center. There are 3 reasons for this, but they are irrelevant to the speaking part. Listening: Man: I don't think it works. Reason: 1)There should be a minimum grade requirement. How do you decide if a student is qualified enough? The university should offer a computer repair course. (这个地方我不是很确定) 2)Even when prospective students' pass the minimum grade requirement, they should only be allowed to handle situations that aren't overly complicated. NO.9 Reading Part: Nowadays, college newspaper hires students from different majors to write for them articles. In the future, they should only hire journalism students to write. This way they can deal with students who are actually interested in news and have more articles completed. Listening part: Disagree 1) Students in other majors may also be interested in writing news pieces, so the school should encourage those students to write for college newspaper as well. Take this history major for example. He wants to enter the news industry in the future. 2) Having more articles isn't important. There is no point in having too many articles coming in, because the newspaper may not have the resources and time to deal with editing so much writing. The process of preparing an article is complicated, as it includes the efforts of both the editors and the writers. There is a lot of back and forth between those who write and those who review and edit. NO.10 【学生写信】: 学生写信建议学校的剧院演出应该向所有人免费开放。 好处1:当地居民能够得到free entrainment; 好处2:观众多了演员会演的更有热情。 【学生态度】:男生赞成此建议。 理由1:nearby没有什么theater, 来回的交通费加上演出费很贵。开放学校剧院能让当地居民不用跑很远就能欣赏到professional的演出; 理由2:男生自己作为一个actor, 觉得观众多可以给他鼓励。举例说当表演一段幽默戏的时候,底下只坐了一半人,没什么人笑,会影响表演质量。相反,要是人多,反响热烈,表演也更有劲了。 Question:Explain the man’s opinion and why he holds that opinion. NO.11 Task 3 阅读:一个学生给的提议,说学校地上垃圾多,张贴画也脏,多。提议学生组成volunteer,分组拾垃圾。 听力中两个学生讨论,一个女生就不同意,她说:脏要看情况,我们学校这么大,人这么多。刚扫干净,又会有垃圾,张贴画,你撕了人家再贴,也是一样的,而且学生到学校是学习的,不是做志愿者的。真要干净校园,学校要雇人,花钱叫专人来干。 NO.12 TASK 3 阅读建议:在学生宿舍中增加kitchen. 理由1)give an alternative to eating。理由2)having fun to prepare and eat with friends 听力观点:男学生同意该提议。理由1)学校餐厅的饭不好吃,如果有食堂就有了另外一个选择。理由2)除了有乐趣以外,还能在准备饭的同时彼此互相学习。 NO.13 口3.proposal of adding seats in the Andreson Theater 要求概括这个proposal以及一个女生的反对。 A.seats不够,很多show是学生们想去但买不了票的-反对:只有少数是这样,大部分show都有位子,所以没需要加seats B.学校能通过更多位子卖更多票增加收入-反对:收入个毛,这是big investment, construction cost a lot, 而且take years去收回老本。 NO.14 TASK3 Reading: The univeristy is planning a new writing center to 1) help students organize their thoughts in order to get better grades 2) foster abilities related to actual jobs Listening: Our plan for the center 1) The professors are usually busy and have no time to help students with improving their writing. The new center can do that. 2) The center is good for editing student writing and for helping them discover career options in the future. NO.15 一学生写信申请图书馆让用手机cellphone,女生反对,理由1:低声说话对方听不见,大声势必noise理由2:急事可以出去打电话,check message NO.16 The student proposes the university should open a snack shop on campus that is entirely operated by students because it will help to create jobs for students and be convenient for students to buy food. The man agrees with him. First, it helps students gain the experience of running a business. Second, the current café is far away from the school building. It takes a lot of time to buy a cup of coffee or a sandwich. What's more, it also takes at least 15 minutes to drive to the café. NO.17 口3:是学生写了一封信提议学校Improve library,集中两个方面,一个是增加可以查书的电脑;另一个是add faculties 男生表示很支持。第一很多学生在图书馆发邮件做research, 要排队才能用上电脑look up books.第二 这些faculties都是学生可以增加工作机会。 NO.18 口语三: PETER给学校写信,说,那个DINING HALL前面的草坪因为SPORTS都要光光了,太不美观了吧!快点禁止学生在上面活动吧!禁止也不会有啥不便的哇,想活动去GYM呗。 对话: MAN: 你咋看待介问题啊? WOMAN:切,这样做根本木有用处。 MAN: 咋咧? WOMAN:这个问题并不主要是SPORTS造成的啊,大家去上课为了节约时间都不走大道走草坪,那当然完了完了滴啦!你说你禁止SPORTS有个啥用。 MAN: 你说的也对噢! WOMAN:而且大家活动都是在课间的时候,GYM那么那么远,难得跑呗。 MAN: 嗯哦,课间只有 10-15分钟。 口语第四题: NO.1 natural consequence 阅读讲的小孩做错事,大人口语不用惩罚,由着做错事的结果来惩罚孩子。 听力,教授给了个例子,教授5岁的女儿经常把玩具放在后院,平常教授都帮女儿收拾。 一天女儿还是把玩具放在后院,教授没有帮收拾,那天晚上下雨,把她的玩具损坏了,女儿在这件事后认识到自己的错,以后再也不帮玩具放后院 NO.2 大学旁边住房问题,rent等,听力里的woman完全不同意,大概说了3个原因(我是说了3个).1.贴广告不一定能和需要系的人2.rent相比其他学校已经很低3.一些学生喜欢在summer住在学校附近(这个跟新policy怎么联系上的,忘记了) 问题就是summary reasons. NO.3 Reading part: Priority Effects environment before the other species come and avoid them to utilize the habitat. Listening part: alter the Priority effects occur when a species that arrives first at a site impacts a species that arrives later by reducing the availability of space or resources. The species coming first may There’s a kind of small ants(文中始终未给出该蚂蚁名称), when they first arrive a new habitat, say an “askentia(音) tree”, their unique habit is to eat part of the tree which produces nectar, because they don’t rely on it. They are altering the environment before any other species come. There is a kind of bigger ants, they’re more aggressive and can easily occupy the trees as they want, and can force the smaller ants to leave. However, they rely on the nectar produced by “askentia” tree very much. So the smaller ants stop the tree producing nectar to avoid the bigger ants to take up the tree, so that they can stay living there. How does the example in the listening part explain the concept of priority effects? NO.4 阅读:【课文要点】: Negative Ideation: a method used by people to resist desires by adding something negative. 就是说通过联系不好的情况来resist坏东西,帮人解决坏习惯.Brood parasites(孵育寄生动物): animals that use a unconventional tactic to let other animals hatch their offspring for them. 就是说通过联系不好的情况来resist坏东西,帮人解决坏习惯。即 make negative associations with the thing, 这样就可以让这个东西变得less appealing and more resistible。教授用一个自己的例子解释。 听力:【教授举例】: 教授举的他自己戒除巧克力的例子. 教授很喜欢loves chocolate bar because it is tasty, 但吃太多不好. But chocolate is not good. So he used the method of negative ideation to refuse chocolate. 后来Whenever he wanted to buy chocolate bar he would think it is associate with mud which is the mixture of dirt and water, 来reduce the temptation, 就戒了he stopped buying. 教授举例他以前很喜欢吃巧克力,但是过高的糖分让他过于肥胖。为了戒掉巧克力,让自己更健康,他采取了这种technique,他把巧克力切成小碎末然后拍了一张照片。他想象巧克力是mud做的,这样逐渐他就觉得巧克力很恶心,后来就戒掉了。 question:用听力的例子解释对negative ideation的理解 NO.5 阅读:动物有固定的patterns of behavior 听力:1、一种小鱼:male fish会do attack dance to the finish entering its territory 而且是有red mark的,如果没有red mark就不会 2、goose:female鹅生过蛋后会move its head back and forth,但是当它的egg被moved away 以后,它仍然这样 问题是:讲一讲什么是动物的这种惯性行为(文中用了缩写,好象是AFS 还是FAS记不清了),然后讲讲lecture中间的例子如何证明的。 NO.6 广告应该忠实于产品的功能,但是现在的广告为了达到吸引顾客的目的,纷纷引用名人说的话,这样可能会误导消费者(quote out of context)。听力的例子是电影,电影开场前,打的广告是引用名人的话,但是电影播放后结果确实是很不好。 NO.7 Task4: 文章:一个proposal, 建议学校拿出一部分activity budget给学生参加 academic conferences. 男生:觉得这个建议不好,有两点原因:1) 活动经费应该就给那些原来intended for的活动,比如cultural activities, extracurricular activities, for example, concerts. 2) 学校其他的academic departments 已经有给学生参加学术会议的经费预算,学生只要申请,教授会决定是否给钱让学生去开会。 要求:summarize proposal, 然后说男生的评价 NO.8 Task 4 阅读: 内在原因,当人们找事情原因时,找自己的原因叫内在原因。它可能会让人失去自信,也可以自我鼓励更加努力。 听力: 教授举例:自己在汽车公司管理销售,第一个星期很落后,跟不上进度,找自己的原因,觉得是自己的效率不高,不够有条理,所以改进的方法,最后提高了效率。 NO.9 TASK4 阅读解释概念:internal attribute: 将事物发生的原因归结自己的内在问题,而不是外界因素。 听力教授举自己的例子解释这个概念。具体为:该教授青少年时期在一家公司工作,负责整理文件。他遇到困难总是不能及时完成工作。该教授没有抱怨老板也没有抱怨工作太多而是想办法提高自己的能力。最后教授提高自己的能力,能按时完成工作,变得非常擅长自己的工作。 NO.10 4. internal competition reading passage: companies have some successful products 占据市场;但它们会introduce new products, 于是consumers 不买旧的买这个公司新的了。所以internal competition 意味着同个公司内部new products 抢了established products的profits, 简单来说就是公司内部自己的新旧产品之间竞争。 但这是没办法的,必须引进新产品,因为新产品才能和别的公司竞争 lecture: 教授说自己当教授前是一个automobile公司的总监之类的,他们公司之前有个top sell的small cars, 长得不好看但实用安全。后来别的公司的车挺时尚的,于是他公司为了竞争也产了一款新的more stylish的车。于是他公司的拥趸不买旧款买新款了。但这是必须的,因为为了come up with 其他公司,与其他公司竞争 NO.11 Task4: Reading: 一个关于经济学的定义: xxx externality 定义:可能人们并没有明确的requirement,不是但是确因为其它的事情擦产生的一种interaction. Listening: 教授举例:一个公司要换掉他们的old buses. 但是他们不想单纯的换一批一模一样的new buses.因为fossil fuel相当的污染环境.问题是他们又没有足够的钱去弄一批用电发动的bus.于是他们写了信给政府,政府觉得这样可以帮助改善环境,于是答应了给钱给他们.所以这个城市的市民就受益了,因为他们所生活的地方环境被改善了. Question: Explain the definition of xxx externality, how the example in the listening passage prove the definition given by the reading passage? NO.12 T4 Reading: Task partitioning - insects use their own specialized methods to accomplish tasks by dividing the work into separate groups. Listening: The professor gives an example of leaf-cutting ants. Group1: climbs trees and picks up leaves. Group2: cuts the leaves into small pieces, making them easier for transport. Group3: brings the leaves back to the nest. In this example, the groups can finish each of their tasks independently. NO.13 Task 4 Reading part Listening part【名词解释】: emotion display(情绪表达规则): It means the expression of emotion depends on the society in which we are live in.【教授举例】: The professor uses an example of his 4-year-old daughter. She had a birthday party. Prior to the party, parents told her that she should hide her negative emotion when she did not like the gift received. Her grandmother gave her cute clothes as a gift. But the girl did not like it and felt disappointed. Before her negative emotion became too obvious, her mother said the clothes were very cute. The girl suddenly realized that she should say thank you to grandmother and she did that. Question:用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。 NO.14 TASK4 讲的有时候文化差异不能融合。例子North Russia和South Russia,南边用马拉扯产奶一堆活动,开始北边也学着用马但是失败了因为太冷了,后来就换了ring deer然后很好的工作。 NO.15 口4: sociology,一个女教授说不同种群的人会用自己创造的语音来进行对话。 举了两个例子;一个是医生们用自己有的专业知识来进行交流,但对病人就要详细说明;一个是一群share experience的人,有过共同经历,只要mention 事情的keyword就能引起共鸣。 summarize一下就可以了。 版本2是developmental response就是植物可以调整自己适应环境的改变。教授举了pine trees作为例子。这种树可以长在阴凉地方或者sunny place。长在阴凉地方,SOIL湿,就不需要发达extended roots system去生存。长在阳光好的地方,土地干,需要发达的根系汲取充足的水分。 NO.16 口语四:讲priming,人的thoughts或behavior会受到之前的经历的影响。professor举例,一个女生坐在公车上正想着以前的大学生活,写作业什么的,看到一个陌生男生上车坐下来,在写东西,女生就认为他一定是个学生,正在写作业。而另一个女生刚刚读完一本诗集,所以她认为这个男生是个作家或者诗人。 NO.17 S4 Reading: tragedy of commons. 给了定义和解释 Lecture:教授举了两个例子说明什么是tragedy of commons. 其一是fishing.说当然捕的鱼多,挣的钱多。能accee to oceant的人自然愿意去多fishing。但是一旦overfishing,大家就都finished out with no fish. 其二是grazin. 说一个属于整个viliage的草坪,大家都喜欢把自己的动物带来grazing,草吃完了长起来,大家就带更多的动物来,当然草会被吃光了,然后就overgrazing了。 NO.18 Task4: 【讲座主题】motivation research of consumer客户购买东西的动机:是公司为了调查消费者为什么不买他们产品的调查但是有的时候消费者自己也aware不到为什么。问卷调查不能有效反映顾客的motivation 【教授举例】教授说了一个例子。一个制衣cloth公司因为运动衣cloth不畅销,所以做了一个调查。他们没有直接问为什么,而是给people杂志和剪刀,让他们剪cut下来认为适合公司产品的图片。顾客剪下来的都是运动员图。所以就反映顾客认为他们的运动衣只适合运动衣,不适合大众。于是后来制衣公司就改进。 口语第五题: NO.1 The man’s problem is that he left his keys in the dorm and he forgot to take his paper with him, which should be handed in today. He’s roommate was in another city now. There are two solutions for him. First, he should tell the professor but his paper was regarded late. Second, he could ask the administrator of the dorm to open the door but it would cost him 15 dollars. NO.2 音乐会什么,因为要下雨,2个solutions, woman:贴告示说移到下星期,man:虽然下雨会wet但是气温还warm,而且听众可能不介意, woman又说:但是大家可能看到外面要下雨就打消来的年头了,问题:总结2个solutions NO.3 男生要打印东西,但是他要去学校和不方便,两个方法,1 从同学那买个二手的打印机,但是比较容易坏,并且打印效果不好,2 买新的,贵,但是男生还有两年毕业,可以买个新的也比较值 NO.4 Man's Problem: He has a study group tomorrow with other students for a physics exam, but there is a presentation on writing novels held at the same time. Possible Solutions: 1) Attend the study group: - Can't change the time since other students aren't free at other times. - It's better to study with them because they are better at physics than he is, and he has some materials that he doesn't fully understand. (Communicating by email isn't helpful) - Can read the article and listen to the recording on the presentation afterwards. 2) Go to the Presentation: - He is passionate about writing and really wants to go. - The writer giving the presentation may not come to his university again。 - Reading the article on the event website is not the same as listening to the presentation in-person. - The man can study on his own. The other members in the study group said he could email them if he had questions. NO.5 口语五:女生室友忘带冬季外套让她开车到机场送, 她去, 时间太长;不去又不好, 况且她室友最近帮了她的忙。 她室友还说自己可以去借什么的。 NO.6 Task5: 一个女生生病了,不想外出,但是她是youth center的volunteer,应该带一帮小孩子去zoo看动物。两种解决办法,方法一是reschedule去动物园的时间,但这是一个special exhibit of 一种老虎,孩子们会很喜欢,而且是最后一天,不去很可惜。方法二是让另外一个志愿者Megan代孩子们去,但是Megan自己要复习物理课内容参加考试,女生觉得让朋友做出这种牺牲自己过意不去。 要求:让考生描述情况和解决办法,并推荐一个选择一个方案还要说理由 NO.7 S5 woman收到一个去marine research的offer,但是给的钱不够她去交下学期的tuition. man说:1、explain to them and ask for more money(women怕他们收回offer);2、take a part-time job(woman说怕时间不够太累) 问题是:这个女生的Dilemma是什么,你认为应该怎么做,为什么? NO.8 Task5: 男生向女生抱怨自己刚才正在做research project,结果不小心erased his data(删掉了数据),而且没有copy。女生提出了两点possible solution:给emergence打电话,让他们来修理,因为有晚间服务,但是男生说太贵。女生于是建议向教授要求extension,男生担心教授strict,会take points(减分)。 NO.9 Girl's problem: She is planning to give a presentation on her study-abroad experience, but her laptop crashed and she was unable to show the audience her photos. Possible solutions: 1) She has a photo album containing some of her pictures taken during her study abroad years, and she could pass the book among the audience members. - This way the audience will be able to see her photos - Not all of the photos she wants to show are included in the album - There is a lot of people in the audience, and not everyone will be able to see the album 2) Her pictures are still in her camera. The camera is at her parents' house. She could go there to get the camera, and show her audience photos through the camera. - She has the time to go to her parents' house to pick up the camera and return before the presentation - But she initially planned to use the time to practice her presentation, and rushing to her parents' house will take up valuable time. NO.10 Task5: Man’s problem:喜欢他的心理学课程,因为教授实在是讲得很好.把枯燥的定义生动的传授给大家了.但是,他最近总是不能按时上课.原因是:他有和well-paid的工作,要工作到很晚,而第二天的课程很早.也是由于他不能按时上课,所以grade就下降了. Woman’s suggestion: quit the job. Man:但是这个工作真的是很好的报酬,他的报酬足够涵盖我要花的所有钱了.或者,我可以把心理学的课程放到下午去,下去还有一个同样的课程,同样的进度,但是不是同一个教授教的! Question: problem solutions(这里那个woman只是提供了一个意见,另一个是man自己说的,考的时候我就听到有人说there are two suggestions given by his friend.) what do you the man should do? NO.11 Task 5 【学生困难】:男生把心理学书忘记在实验室,实验室关门了,但是明天有心理学考试。 【解决方案】:男生自己说了两个方案: 1. 晚上先看笔记复习,明早6点实验室开门去取,但是他得5点就起床; 2. 今晚和同学一起看书,但那个同学学习很差,一起复习可能大部分时间都在tutoring他。 【问题】:Briefly summarize the problem and two possible solutions. Then state which solution you recommend and explain why. NO.12 Task 5 学生困难:两个学生聊天,一个男生说倒霉,今早太匆忙,把资料给打印重叠了(反正出问题了)都不知道。 解决方案:男女各一条建议 1.女的说,不急,你再去打。男(jim)的说,我得换一台新电脑设施去打。但是马上要上课了。 2.我得和教授解释去。 NO.13 TASK5 听力男学生遇到的问题是时间冲突。一方面他要去机场接朋友,另一方面他想去参加以为作者的演讲。 两个解决方案为: 1 告诉朋友自己会迟到(提到的好处有:老朋友可以理解他迟到,这个朋友还可以自己在机场逛逛,吃点东西读书。缺点是朋友大老远跑来看他,不好意思迟到。2 不去参加的演讲。(提到非常想去,如果错过不会有第二次机会) NO.14 口语五:选课的问题。男生说他想选美国文学,但是太火爆,这里不确定,要么是选不上,要么是即使能选上,也挤不进讨论里面去(discussion)。两种办法,一种是干脆选个别的课,不选这玩意了。一种是现在不选了,下学期或者明年再选。 NO.15 The woman's problem is that she shared a room with others off-campus. Her roommate is too noisy and she cannot do her own things. She is considering moving to another apartment next year. There are two solutions for her. First, she can move back to campus. The university dorm has a policy about keeping quiet during certain hours of the day and it isn't expensive. But there's no kitchen in the dorm and the woman is really into cooking. Second, she can find another apartment near campus. It will be convenient because she has a job in library for 24 hours at a time. But with an apartment, she has the added pressure of paying rent. NO.16 Problem: professor要带M attend conference, department can not provide money on transportation only afford hotel fee. solution: 1) by air 自己拿钱 but expensive 2)take train but very far whole day moreover, miss a crucial class. NO.17 Task 5 【学生困难】:男生的朋友去他寝室玩把他室友的台灯弄坏了。 【解决方案】: 方案一:把家里一个差不多的拿来。好处:他室友也喜欢的。坏处:俩台灯不一样。 方案二:商店里去买个新的。坏处:没有一模一样的了。而且贵。" NO.18 【学生困难】:男生的朋友送了他一张今天晚上演唱会的门票,演唱会有他最喜欢的band的演出,但是男生有一个history paper明天要交,时间冲突了。 【解决方案】: 1. 去演唱会,回家再写paper, 但是要熬通宵; 2. 不去演唱会,把票给别人。但是这个演唱会N年一次,错过了可能很多年以后才能听到 口语第六题: NO.1 说是有两种途径让动物们既可以在白天活动也可以在夜里活动,第一种是make light怎么的(忘了),给出的例子是fox有一种很特殊的layer 能借助月光看清东西。 第二种是 可以通过缩小眼睛的一个什么(eyes pupil不确定拼写对不对)瞳孔吧,例子还是FOX,可以调节瞳孔大小,来减少光的强度,所以他们还是可以在白天摄取食物。 NO.2 The professor talks about two types of suspense in a movie. The first type is that the audience feels interesting to guess the end. For example, two heroes set the same goal, but the audiences have no idea who comes first. The second type is that the audiences know the end but they have no clue how to get to the end. For example, in a love story, the hero and heroine doom to meet in the end, but how they meet each other becomes intriguing. NO.3 Lecture: Small Business: drawbacks on home-based business For many small businesses, instead of renting, they prefer to work from home. Though working from home has its merits, a home-based business has some drawbacks. 1) Can't Maintain a Professional Image People working in home-based businesses don't set a clear boundary between business and personal life. The customers may think they are not professional and serious about the business. For example, if a home-based business is a catering service that provides food for some major event, a customer would call and not expect a baby crying in the background. However, if it happened, the customer will for sure think that the business is not professional enough for their event and not trust the ability of the caterer to provide good-quality food. 2) Will Affect the Lives of the Neighbors Use the catering example again, the business may hire two or more workers to help with the preparation of food. These workers may need to park their cars on the street, which would take up the neighbors' parking spots. Having their spots taken, the neighbors would definitely complain. Question: Describe the two drawbacks of home-based businesses. NO.4 Ecosystem engineering: 动物住在一个地方,这个地方会变得适合其他动物生存。两种方式 1、在日常生活中慢慢去做。比如某个海鲜:mussels,在吃水里东西的时候把水过滤干净了。 2、在一个群中间位置的时候,形成一个对其他动物有保护的地方。再比如刚才那个海鲜:mussels。他们成群住在海洋地表,他们之间的空隙形成其他动物能够生存的空间。 NO.5 口语六:老师总希望得到feedback, feedback DE characters 1 focus on students 2. focus on 其他 NO.6 Task6: 人类发明创造有2种可能:有目的性(intentional),无目的性(accidental)。有目的性的举例是发明一种眼镜,可以不用让人在看远距离和近距离的时候频繁换眼镜。无目的性的例子是X-RAY的发明,是某个科学家在实验室里发现的物体影像,进而应用于人体医学。 " NO.7 Wetland's two benefits for animals. 1). for nursery, sharks lay eggs in wetlands close to the ocean, because wetlands are shallow, there are not large predators, baby sharks can grow safely in the wetlands and survive in the ocean. 作为孕育地。动物可以lay eggs or give birth, 直到它们的宝宝长大成熟。举例,一种鲨鱼在靠近海洋的湿地产卵,因为这里大动物少,可以减少被捕食者捕食的几率; 2). for rest and find food. Immigrating birds, for example, paper, during the long journey of immigration, stop the wetlands to find the food because they can find similar food like before. question 6【讲课要点】two ways the animals use wetland。 to rest and feed themselves. 举例,一种要cross美洲的migrate bird, 在长途迁徙的过程中需要休息或者觅食,这时候湿地发挥了很大的作用:在这里可以resting and setting,这里还有很多吃的,就跟它们平时吃的一样,所以很适合停留。 NO.8 Task 6 【讲课要点】:Two Economic Changes in Ancient Civilization 1. Currency: this monetary form made life easier. For example, a man who bakes bread can now use money in exchange for a coat. Using money to trade can avoid the possible issue that the person who sells coats does not like bread. 2. Trade new things over a greater distance. For example, Romans can import silk fabric from China. NO.9 Lecture: Two Advantages of the Beta Testing Method in Business A beta test is an opportunity that gives the intended audience some samples to try the product out first. 1) Get feedback from the customers The producer can get feedback from the customers who try the product. They will know which aspects of the product the customers like and don't like. A camera company, for example, may give some professional photographers new sample cameras to test out. After testing, the photographers may report, for example, that the flash doesn't work well because it produces too much light. The company will then know they need to work on the flash to make the overall product more desirable. 2) Providing Free Advertising If the tested audience thinks the new product is satisfactory, it will leave a positive impression in their minds and they may tell others about the product. Even if it's not a perfect product at first, the efforts taken by the company to improve it will convince the photographer customers that the new camera will be very good. They, in turn, will tell other photographer friends about the new product and encourage greater sales. NO.10 Task 6 鸟窝的两种搭建方式, 1.一个把巢建的高高的,藏起来。 2.另一种让母的在家看小鸟,公的去找食物什么没太清楚。 NO.11 TASK6 生物课堂上老师讲解了有些树能够活很长时间的原因—树的适应性。主要有两个方面。 1 通过释放化学物质避免虫害。举例为red wood,树叶和树干中含有天宁酸,所以虫子不能忍受这种物质,所以不会去吃red wood. 2 发达的根系可以帮助在风暴中幸存下来。举例仍为red wood. 说首先有发达的根系stretch every direction, 以及还可以与周围的树木的根系相组合。互相缠绕在暴风中就不会有问题。 NO.12 口语六:说海里一种鱼为了适应环境发展出了一种结构可以感觉到predator来了而且可以保持不动吧。 第一种是他们感觉很灵敏,举例子是dony fish头上长了hair之类的可以感知predator。 第二种是有一种能力可以在在水里静止然后躲起来,不让predator察觉到,举例是另一种鱼可以在水里keep still时还让水move,所以就能keep still然后等 predator走了。 NO.13 TASK6 Two ways of keeping eggs moist: 1)lay the eggs below water. e.g. frogs lay their eggs underwater and let the liquid permeate the eggs to keep them moist 2)lay eggs with special protecting structures. eg: snakes eggs have a tough shell structure that helps maintain the moisture NO.14 Task 6 【讲课要点】:尽管wildfire会给动物造成damage, 但是也可以带来好处。 1. 能给动物提供栖息地,比如woodpecker在烧过的树洞里筑巢; 2. renew vegetation, 把旧的植物wipe out, 给新的植物生长带来条件,新的植物更nutritious, which are more attractive to deer. NO.15 task6: 【讲座主题】生物学的。说在一个tropical rainforest里面生活animal都在canopy上飞 tree to tree 动物们为了survive独居,领地侵犯等,进化出两种behavior。 【相关例子】第一种是searching food alone, individually因为这个地方的食物很分散,group一起找食物,就会不够吃。各自找会有better chance 找到更多吃的。给了一例子 :猩猩ape 都自己找食物。 第二种是make sounds保护自己的领地。穿过厚厚的叶子树来让别的兄弟知道要不然在树上飞啊飞的就会撞一起然后受伤,给了一个例子:说一种猴子 monkey 他们就大叫,来让不小心进入其领地的动物知道这是他的地盘 NO.16 S6 说有时候动物吃的东西不是我们想象中的东西,有时候会吃点乱七八糟的东西,比如说earth or soil.他们吃这些东西是有作用的。然后举两个鸟的例子。一个是R鸟,吃soil是为了磨碎食物,这样help digestion, 说因为鸟没有牙吖,所以吃soil可以帮助把大的食物,esp large seeds, 磨成small pieces.另一个是鹦鹉Parrot,吃soil可以neutralize失误中的poison,这样就不会get sick NO.17 口语六:讲unhatched eggs communication 对他们survival的重要性,一是保证它们同时破壳,不被left behind,二是让他们的妈妈能够发现他们,举了鳄鱼的例子,鳄鱼的卵被heavy mugs cover着,要被他们的妈妈发现才能存活下去。 NO.18 口语六: 反正说的是FARMER 怎么给CROPS从土里提供氮养啥的。有俩方法,我只听到一个 - = 具体说那一个我都没听全啊… 重点阅读: 新东方托福: 新东方托福培训视频: 托福辅导: